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  • Andrew Brown

Soldier Field 10 Mile, We'll Be there!

If you are running the Soldier Field 10 mile race this upcoming May then make sure you stop by the Recover Booth when you pick up your packets! That's right, we'll be at the McCormick place on May 23rd and 24th during the entirety of the packet pick-up times. This year we have 5 of our team members participating in the Soldier Field run and we'll be decked out in full Recover apparel. When you see one of us on the course make sure to give us some encouragement with a high-five and we'll be sure to send some back your way!

It would be amazing if we could see your support at our booth, we'll be giving away FREE Recover Gu's that can be used before, during, and after race. In addition, we'll have special discounts available to all runners and their family members, with apparel and foods ready for purchase on site. We'll even have a few members of our team there to give advice to anyone who needs in. They can answer questions on which are the best supplements for running and how to properly take care of your body before and after a race. Stop by, say hi, and get some awesome free gifts, we won't bite!

P.s. We understand that there are many people who choose to have their packets mailed to their homes instead of going to McCormick place, no need to worry, we've got you covered! Stop by our store anytime with simple proof that you ran (Bib #, a pic of you in your medal, etc) and we will hook you up with the same items and discounts as everyone else. Good luck to everyone participating in the event and hopefully we will see you there!

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