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  • Andrew Brown

Plant Based Diet In 2019

A few benefits of a Plant based diet

Before I start going on about how much better your life is on a plant based diet let me give some advice to those who haven't yet started. Advice #1: Make the change with a partner, roommate, or anyone that can help motivate you on a daily basis. <---THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. A few years back I tried to make the switch to a plant based diet while there were still 3 other people in my household eating the normal American way and OMG was that difficult. I failed, it was just too tempting and my self discipline isn't that strong. Please start this with a partner, it will help hold each other accountable and give you someone to discuss how good you feel without being annoying to others. Advice #2: Even a small change in your diet is better than nothing, be aware of what goes in.

Within 2 weeks of starting a plant based diet you can expect to fell full of energy, full of life, feel like you haven't felt in a while. Meats and diary put a large toll on our bodies and in doing so make us feel drowsy and lifeless throughout the day. Now I was one to never leave the couch unless the oven went off signaling my pizza was ready. After only a couple weeks of this new diet I was finding myself cleaning the floors, doing the dishes, and reading... just because I had all this energy I didn't normally have. IT FELT SO GOOD! It will be easy to want to go get a nice juicy burger after a couple days eating plant based meals but let me tell you, once you start feeling good you'll realize that the taste isn't worth giving up this new "high".

My father started eating better when he noticed the how great I was feeling. He would never totally give up meat, he thinks thats absurd. He has, however, cut it back to only once or twice a week, and implemented a couple 30 min workouts which makes a huge difference! He is now more aware of everything he puts into his body and instead of going out and getting a burger, drink and fries, he'll just get a burger with a water. Now hey, maybe its not totally plant based but by god does that help so much and we support anyone looking to make a change in their health. He recently saw his doctor who told him to lower his diabetes medication since his health has improved. It's crazy how a little bit of exercise and change in diet can impact our lives. I hope this inspired you to, at the very least, be more aware of what you are putting into your body because every little thing can make a difference. YOU are the one to decide if that difference is going to be GOOD or BAD. Have a great weekend and feel free to email or stop in if you have any questions!

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